Artillery units we assist regularly

HIMARS operators (the brigade number is classified)
43rd Separate Artillery Brigade (PzH 2000 and Pion self-propelled guns)
406th Separate Artillery Brigade (m777 howitzer)
32nd Rocket Artillery Regiment (Uragan and Bureviy MRLS)
27th Rocket Artillery Brigade
107th Rocket Artillery Brigade (BM-30 Smerch)
5th Assault Regiment
35th Marine Brigade (BM-21 Grad)
66th Mechanized Brigade (2S1 Gvozdika)
19th Rocket Brigade (OTR-21 Tochka-U)
38th Marine Brigade (2A36 Giatsint-B)
55th Separate Artillery Brigade (CAESAR)
36th Marine Brigade (self-propelled artillery)
55th Separate Artillery Brigade (howitzer M1987)
47th Separate Artillery Brigade
44th Separate Artillery Brigade
40th Separate Artillery Brigade (М777)
22nd Separate mechanized brigade, brigade artillery group
81st separate airmobile brigade


aid given

$2 706 000


since 2014

we assist

35 brigades

Founders of the charity organization
"Reactive Post" 

Pavlo Narozhny

Works at the intersection of IT and finance

Born and raised in Sumy. In 1995, started working in the IT sector. In 2003, moved to Kyiv, where they worked in managerial positions in IT and finance ...

In 2013, began volunteering on the Maidan. In February 2014, started assisting the army. Began working with the 27th Sumy Rocket Regiment in April 2014, and subsequently helped various artillery units from approximately 40 different military units. Received honorary awards from the Commander-in-Chief General Colonel Muzhenko, the Commander of the Rocket Forces and Artillery, the 27th Sumy Rocket Brigade, the 43rd Separate Artillery Brigade, the 406th Separate Artillery Brigade of the Naval Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, and many other artillery units.

Dmytro Chukanov

Product Owner at Lilo

Born in Kryvyi Rih, lived for a while in Mariupol, and later moved to Kyiv, where they gained specialization and experience in the IT field ...

At different times, Pavlo and I worked in the same position at the same investment company, so we quickly became acquainted through our mutual connections. We worked together on humanitarian aid for the Maidan, and when Russia annexed Crimea and the ATO began, I wasn’t sure how I could be of help, so I joined Pavlo, who was supporting the 27th Rocket Artillery Brigade from his hometown of Sumy.

Aid we provide

Sets of wheels
Sets of wheels

The combat vehicle and its friend the carrying ammunition tractor are both very heavy. Tens of tons each. In conditions of incredibly intense trips on a tricky road surface, a set of tires lives an average of three months. The lack of wheels directly affects the performance of combat high-precision artillery fire, the effectiveness of which can already be praised. A tire burst - the car does not go to a firing position to send rocket parcels to the invaders. Tires are our regular expense regardless of the season. The average cost of the set is UAH 150,000.


After the attacks on the energy infrastructure, almost every Ukrainian family realized the importance of a generator. Imagine not having any energy resources in the field or in the forest, where a certain brigade may end up after redeployment. For them, the generator is not only for the needs of lighting, but also for uninterrupted communication with the command, and receiving operational and vital information. We have been supplying generators to the army since 2014, and the need for them does not go away. We accept donations or physical generators.

Spare parts
Spare parts

Spare parts and repairs are the most frequent requests from our soldiers. In cases where the army can not meet its needs on its own, we supply spare parts or pay for the repair of equipment that performs combat tasks or ensures the mobility of the unit. A hit among our supplies is a set of repair tools. But there were engines and cardan shafts. The most important thing is that we save time, the equipment is repaired faster, and it works more on firing position. The uninterrupted work of the Ukrainian artillery stubs the way to our victory.

Intelligence & communication equip
Intelligence & communication equip

Over the years of the war, we have all learned well what equipment ensures military communication and intelligence. As a result, let's simply list what we supply to our units: drones, optical devices, walkie-talkies, starlinks, antennas, cables. These are rather high-budget expense items. And in combat conditions, they can be broken or lost easily. Join us in helping our boys and girls on the frontline to see the invaders and expose their every step.


The army is a huge mechanism, and there is a lot of administrative work as well. We supply laptops, tablets, printers, monitors, and TV sets for headquarters at the request of wards. A separate point in the list is weather stations. They ensure maximum accuracy in firing calculations. Wind speed, direction, air humidity - all this must be known so that the occupants will definitely receive rocket parcels. We accept the above-mentioned equipment in adequate working condition.

Household needs
Household needs

Household conditions of the personnel must be upgraded seasonally or when a military unit is relocated. The organization of a dignified life for military personnel in any location is important for our caring Ukrainian culture (unlike the occupiers). When relocating, the unit must provide water supply, sleeping places, kitchen area, etc. in the new place. We buy water pumps, polyethylene membranes, washing machines, tents, and sleeping bags.

Photo reports of our deliveries

Donate with high precision — on artillery

Our gunners are the best in the world. During the years of the war since 2014, they have achieved true mastery and provided reliable infantry support. The enemy has an advantage in the number of means of destruction, while we - do in the quality of the application. Victory will be ours! V. Zaluzhnyi, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

Support artillery Google Pay, Apple Pay, Visa, MasterCard
Continuing to fight without American weapons: the situation with air defense, artillery, and shells without the US, and why it is realistic
7 Mar
Continuing to fight without American weapons: the situation with air defense, artillery, and shells without the US, and why it is realistic

In an extended episode of the Overengineered Podcast, critical issues regarding the supply of arms to the Ukrainian army were discussed, especially in light of the potential end of supplies from the United States. Experts, including Pavlo Narozhny and Dmytro Chukanov, provided a detailed analysis of the situation concerning air defense systems, artillery, and other types of weaponry. They addressed challenges related to the supply of systems like Patriot, Iris-T, and M777, as well as the possibilities of substituting American equipment with European alternatives. The experts cautioned that the most significant difficulties might arise with high-tech air defense systems and long-range artillery, while the outlook for mortars and MLRS seems more promising. They also examined the production of ammunition, highlighting that the USA remains a crucial supplier, while European countries are only starting to ramp up their manufacturing capabilities.

Open letter to The Atlantic on HIMARS and ATACAMS effectiveness
10 Oct
Open letter to The Atlantic on HIMARS and ATACAMS effectiveness

Open letter to The Atlantic, Karl Marlantes and Elliot Ackerman.

Що таке арта, високоточна зброя
30 Sep
Що таке арта, високоточна зброя

ВИСОКОТО́ЧНА ЗБРО́Я (ВТЗ) – бойові системи та комплекси озброєння, виготовлені наоснові новітніх матеріалів і технологій, спроможні в межах досяжності цілі реалізувати принцип «постріл–ураження» за рахунок керування і корекції доставки зброї і боєприпасівна траєкторії їхнього польоту. Ін. назва – «smart weapons», що в укр. перекладі дослівно означає «розумна зброя». Цей термін почав широко використовуватися після війни уПерській затоці (1991).

Frequently asked questions

How to become an artilleryman?

In the structure of an artillery unit (regiment, brigade, etc.), there are many specializations. Those directly responsible for artillery fire include the fire platoon commander, the senior battery officer (SBO), or the battery commander. Currently, there are two ways to become an artillery specialist: by enrolling in a higher education institution and obtaining the relevant education, or by being mobilized into an artillery unit and acquiring skills there. Information about non-officer positions and their availability can be obtained directly from the relevant military unit.

How can you help our artillery?

a) financially. Make a one-time contribution, or even better - subscribe to regular donations so that they get converted into physical assistance.

b) commodities. Computer equipment in adequate working condition, cars (of any class) in working order.

How can businesses help Ukrainian artillery?

a) financially. Make a one-time contribution, or even better - subscribe to regular donations so that they get converted into physical assistance.

b) commodities. If you have something that you think will be useful in the army - contact us, we will process each case individually and will definitely find the addressee for your help.

c) information. Brand your product with our identity and message, place our banner on your company's website, etc. Contact us, and we will find a way to cooperate.

How to apply for assistance?

Please send an application for aid from Reactive Post to email A free-form document, on behalf of the responsible officer of the military unit under his signature and seal. Specify a detailed list of needs and contacts. After receiving the email, we will contact the contact person for further work.

What divisions do we work with?

In pre-war life, we were in no way connected with the army. We did not have military acquaintances, and our activities were completely civilian. When the war started in 2014, it became clear that we need to get involved in order to survive.

The artillery came to mind first, because, in the city of Sumy, where Pavlo was born, there was a very famous high-class artillery school. It seemed logical to help my fellow countrymen. This is how the history of the Reactive Post began - with cooperation with the Sumy Artillery Brigade. With the passing of time and delving into the topic, we got to know the nuances and specifics of the work.

Artillery is one of the most effective weapons in terms of destroying the enemy. We are proud to participate in the work of these brave men and women!

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