Creative post

Contest winners

How quickly creativity grows! The Reactive Post team congratulates the winners and thanks everyone who joined our mission. You have become a real firebrand of Ukrainian artillery! Next will be... What? We won't say yet, but it's definitely highly accurate :)

Creative post winners

Grand Prix
Artillery Creative: Pedchenko Yuliia Pedchenko Yuliia
High-precision creative
Artillery Creative: Kereia Nazarii Kereia Nazarii
Artillery Creative: Korniienko Maryna Korniienko Maryna
Artillery Creative: Ruslan Kulinich Ruslan Kulinich
Impression in the heart
Artillery Creative: Berdnikov Serhii Berdnikov Serhii
Artillery Creative: Korniienko Maryna Korniienko Maryna
Artillery Creative: Korovai Nazar Korovai Nazar
Impression in the heart
Artillery Creative: Bazarenko Denys Bazarenko Denys
Artillery Creative: Berdnikov Serhii Berdnikov Serhii
Artillery Creative: Zolotukhin Oleksandr Zolotukhin Oleksandr
Artillery Creative: Karpilovskii Pavlo Karpilovskii Pavlo
Artillery Creative: Kereia Nazarii Kereia Nazarii
Artillery Creative: Korniienko Maryna Korniienko Maryna
Artillery Creative: Koniaiev Mykhailo Koniaiev Mykhailo
Artillery Creative: Pedchenko Yuliia Pedchenko Yuliia
Artillery Creative: Lysenko Evhen Lysenko Evhen
Artillery Creative: Korovai Nazar Korovai Nazar
Artillery Creative: Shypyliuk Ihor Shypyliuk Ihor
Artillery Creative: Litvinenko Martin Fedorovych Litvinenko Martin Fedorovych
Artillery Creative: Tetiana Handziur Tetiana Handziur
Artillery Creative: Ruslan Kulinich Ruslan Kulinich

Why's artillery creative?

90% damage to the enemy —

thanks to the Ukrainian artillery. All sets of Chornobayivka, victory in the Kyiv direction, defense of the capital and even Kherson. But all this does not help fundraising for art. There're 2 main reasons why:


The effectiveness of artillery depends on maintaining secrecy. Therefore, most of the society does not have a clear idea about the results of the artillerymen's work. And therefore, also about their daily needs. If you don't know about the need, you won't provide it.


Non-Instagramness of requests

It's easier to pay money for a sexy drone than for a compressor or a collimator, without which the artillery doesn't fire. Art doesn't shoot - the infantry suffers, for which the drone was used by the majority.

Therefore, we are looking for creative approaches to keep the artillery in the top: both materially and informationally. We take the equipment on ourselves, but we rely on you for the second one. Not for nothing.
Let's read on

We collect creatives for artillery

The contribution of creatives to victory isn't necessarily about a large donation. But a big donation is always about creative people. Because not everyone can make communication work. Therefore, we are convinced that your work should be rewarded.

For top upgrades we give:

for the grand prix 1 iMac
winners in 2 categories 6 iPads
normal merch for all

Prizes for the winners are provided by the initiator of the competition — the co-founder of the Roosh technology company Serhiy Tokarev. You have the option to refuse the gift. In this case, Sergei will triple its value and transfer this amount to the needs of the artillery.

What should be done?

Get acquainted with  the rules of the competition.
Create a video based on the  brief. We got busy and partnered with Military TV, which generously shared video materials with us. These are exclusive materials provided specifically for Creative Post. Together, we created a large video bank that you can use to create your own videos and not worry about copyright. The link to it is in the brief.
Fill out the participant's questionnaire and put a link to your video there.
To wait for the jury to form a shortlist and not to worry that we will not write. We'll write to everyone!
Win in one of the categories and pick up a gift.
until October 1

we collect questionnaires

October 2 - 8

we form a shortlist

October 9 - November 5

we shoot promo videos from the shortlist and publish them on the website

November 6-9

we determine the winners

November 10

we announce the results

Briefly about the flow of the competition


The jury selects the most appropriate creatives, and we inform each participant about the result of this stage

Promo and website

We launch creatives from the shortlist on a promo and publish them on the website

Recognition of winners in categories

High-precision creative

3 participants, from whose creatives came the largest number of donations. We count in people, not in sums

Impression in the heart

3 participants who were voted for by a larger number of people on the site

Grand Prix

1 participant, whose creativity was especially appreciated by the jury

Let's read on

What kind of jury?

Serhii Baranov
Serhii Baranov

Brigadier General, Head of the Main Directorate of Missile Forces and Artillery and Unmanned Systems of the General Staff of the Armed Forces

Serhii Tokariev
Serhii Tokariev

Investor, IT businessman, permanent patron of Reaktiv Poshta, founder of the SET University technological university and co-founder of the Roosh technology company

Tetiana Haiduk
Tetiana Haiduk

Host of KYIV NOT KIEV , Creative Services Director at the Truman strategic communications company

Pavlo Narozhnyi
Pavlo Narozhnyi

Co-founder of Reaktive Post, works at the intersection of IT and finance

Dmytro Chukanov
Dmytro Chukanov

Spivzasnovnyk Reaktyvnoi Poshty, pratsiuie u sferi Medtech

The founders of Reactive Post will make you fall in love

Reaching this place is an iMac application

For special interest, we give a bonus — a sticker pack for all the chats of life. Download here: @CreativePost

We are waiting for your reactive creativity! For any questions regarding the competition, write here: