Subject donations gathering is a rare thing for the Reacitve Post, because our main goal is projects of strategic significance aimed at increasing the combat capability or everyday comfort of the entire brigade. And we cannot it do without the considerable external support of our partners.

One of our partners is a modern agricultural manufacturer of the Sumy region - AVIS UKRAGRO. The company operates on the territory of the Lebedynskyi, Bilopolskyi, Nedryhailivskyi, Romenskyi, and Sumy districts. Despite its young age, AVIS UKRAGRO has considerable experience in agricultural production, which employees skilfully combine with the use of advanced technologies, innovative equipment, and modern agricultural machinery. During its existence, the company has created more than 1,000 jobs.

The priority areas of activity of AVIS UKRAGRO are crop production (corn and soybean cultivation), dairy farming, and the provision of a full range of services for grain and industrial crops.

AVIS UKRAGRO production is aimed at meeting the vital needs of society in high-quality agricultural raw materials and products.

Since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, AVIS UKRAGRO has been actively helping us to keep the Ukrainian artillery in "firing" condition, covering both permanent needs and joining large-scale projects.

In modern realities, artillery radically changes the course of the war. 90% of the defeat of the enemy is the merit of Ukrainian artillerymen. It provides effective infantry attack and is the main defense. Long-range, high-precision weapons save the lives of infantry and save them from the need to expose themselves to danger in direct contact. Thanks to regular donations, we can equip the artillery 24 hours a day.

To hasten our Victory, we must unite our efforts. Join the honorable team of regulars by subscribing via the website

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Donate with "AVIS UKRAGRO"

Campaign is opened 14 donates
Support Total amount of donations: 800 000 UAH

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