Counter-battery warfare

Counter-battery warfare

Counter-battery warfare is a combination of reconnaissance and artillery fire control aimed at destroying or suppressing enemy artillery. It is a complex complex consisting of means of fire damage, namely guns, self-propelled guns, MLRS, and means of reconnaissance and control.

If everything is clear with means of destruction, then intelligence has many facets. Everyone knows drones, UAVs. Some have heard of satellites. Few people know that reconnaissance can be done by living people on the ground, using optical devices, laser rangefinders, etc.

Of course, the enemy is doing everything so that we don't notice their artillery. Burieі in the ground, camouflageі, uses mobile Nona-type systems, or even a mortar mounted on a truck.

Recently, they have established the production of steel and wooden models. This is a full-scale mock-up of a self-propelled howitzer or howitzer, designed to make us waste time looking for real targets and waste high-value ammunition on these mock-ups.

Given this, it is necessary to have reconnaissance means that allow you to accurately determine the location of real enemy self-propelled guns, tanks, and mortars.

In this project, we present a new approach, namely the use of an audio metric system combined with Artificial Intelligence.

It consists of 2 main elements - a group of sensors that transmit audio data to the server farm. The server farm uses a whole family of algorithms, from the well-known triangulation to those specially developed for this project.

With the help of the weather station, corrections are made with correction for wind and other weather conditions.

When the enemy opens fire, there is no doubt that there is a real artillery system somewhere nearby.

The speed of calculations is measured in seconds, that is, the target has little chance to leave the firing position.

After that, the gunner has the coordinates of the target and its type, and the sound impressions of all enemy self-propelled guns, tanks, and mortars are entered into the system directory.

The advantage of the system is complete independence from weather conditions, from the enemy's electronic warfare equipment, and from air defense equipment that can shoot down a high-value drone.

In addition, the system is passive. There is no need to keep the UAV in the air, and the system is in standby mode all the time, and as soon as the enemy opens, the system will notify the operator.

The system gives the probable coordinates of the target, after which the gunners can already conduct preliminary reconnaissance using other means. When the target is confirmed from other sources, decisions are made about its destruction.

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